Silverlight Frozen on Microsoft Site!

I had the strange experience of Silverlight, a piece of … Microsoft software, completely freeze while on a Microsoft site [Azure Portal]. The message informed me that ‘Protection’ mode was there to defend me so I was not allowed to enter, or something similar. Gee, thanks!

I love the idea of protection, but shouldn’t Microsoft know that it’s own services are safe? In addition, why is Microsoft locking my page up completely? I was not able to click the “Allow” button. What a tease! Even “Don’t Allow” was frozen.

I even tried the trick of cascading all pages to see if there was a secret hidden pop up box or page. No go. Or should it (not) know about its own safety? Ok, what do I know? Silverlight is an ‘add on’ to Internet Explorer, a Microsoft product and in fact is now firmly intertwined  with Windows 8.

So, to be more concise: I am working on Azure SQL. I try to get into the Azure or SQL Manager to practice some queries on my new database, but I encounter the following, which you may not be able to verify through the ethernet, but I assure it is frozen stiff.


Regardless, the only way to ‘solve’ the Silverlight screen freeze, is –

1) End the IE process via hard close within Task Manager

2) Completely disable Internet Explorer Protected Mode [restart of IE needed]. Go into IE Options, then Security tab, then remove all 4 checkboxes to Internet, Local Intranet, Trusted, and  Restricted Sites or zones.

Not much help, but you can try downloading the latest Silverlight version: Silverlight page. I already had the latest so I resorted to the 2 steps above.

To me, it is ludicrous that Microsoft Internet Explorer PROTECTED MODE needs to be disabled in order to get a MICROSOFT PRODUCT to work.

Azure SQL Database Naming

I just love this note on creating and accessing an Azure SQL Database! It may take a little getting used to for some, because gone are the days of bland Database names such as, “PRODUCTION_DB__1”.  Lol.

“Notice that you did not specify a server name. Because the SQL Database server must be accessible worldwide, SQL Database configures the appropriate DNS entries when the server is created. The generated name ensures that there are no name collisions with other DNS entries. You cannot change the name of your SQL Database server.”

Azure SQL Database

As I have a few days off from the job (hey, vacation time can add up quickly!), what else am I to do, but to set up an Azure SQL Database, of course!

I host this site in Azure already, mainly for fun, although I do earn a few dollars from ads here and there. But really I am using Azure as a learning platform and my next adventure is within the SQL world. I do support the SQL environment at work, being the solo Systems Administrator: server infrastructure for our SQL needs, backups, resource monitoring, data mirroring (replication), troubleshooting and problem solving, working with our primary application vendor, light queries etc.

I admit, I am more fascinated than ever with Microsoft SQL, now called simply ‘Azure SQL Database’. As it is fully cloud based nowadays, it is super exciting that a SQL Database can be created within a matter of minutes! Obviously, I am not referring to the actual table, table views, stored procedures – these take time to develop. However, I am referring to the platform – organizations no longer need to get 3 quotes from hardware vendors (CDW, Dell, HP etc.), nor project into the future re: needs, nor purchase, then rack, and then obtain proper warranties on  … local server room or Datacenter HARDWARE.

With an Azure SQL Database, using modern IaaS (infrastructure as a Service), along with PaaS (Platform as a Service), or maybe even SaaS (Software as a Service) for good measure, some of the steps of the past can be handled more efficiently. An organization’s I.T. Department or Developer or external Consultant simply has to log into the Azure account, and click the ‘Add (+) New’ to add a Database.

Also the need to look into Disaster Recovery or failover takes on a whole new meaning once in the Cloud – but that is a topic for the future, not here!

Note, I already added a Database, simply named it ‘prod’ …
