Windows NT Domain Page
The company Windows NT Domain page covers the more common issues affecting employees and contractors who utilize the network: Logging on to the “Corporate” Domain; Drive Mapping; Changing Passwords,etc.
Many of you have critical documents stored on you local drives (i.e. C:\My Documents, Email Files, etc.). Ideally, these should be stored on your NT Server home drive for safekeeping. Furthermore, many of you would like to share documents on a public server. To do this you will have to log on to the NT domain: i.e ‘CORPHQ’.
WARNING: if you are not comfortable with basic networking, please ask for assistance. It is possible to remove, or improperly adjust, your network settings, and therefore create potential problems! IT Support will be happy to help you in any manner!
Configuring Windows 98 to Log on to the Corporate Domain
If you are new you should have already been set up with a Windows NT ID (or Username) as well as a password. The default NT password is ‘password.’ Your Username is based on the first letter of your first name and your entire last name. There may be exceptions to this. Again, if you have any questions contact us..
Network Configurations:
In the Network applet of Control Panel configure properties for Client for Microsoft Networks to “Log on to Domain and restore Network Connections” (“Quick Logon” works fine as well). The domain name is ‘CORPHQ’. Input WINS Servers: primary WINS 10.3.X.X if you have a 10.3.X.X IP address. If you have a 10.2.X.X IP address, your primary WINS Server is It is possible you have 10.6.X.X listed. This is OK for now and works just as well. You should also have a secondary WINS Server listed: if your IP is 10.3.X.X, then input 10.2.X.X. If your IP address is 10.2.X.X, then input 10.3.X.X.
Make sure the DNS host name and windows machine names(in the Identification tab)are congruent.
In the network component: TCP/IP-> 3 Com adapter (may vary), etc., be certain the DNS is 10.2.X.X; and also check the appropriate domain suffixes:
“”; “”; “
Also, remove the IPX/SPX and NetBeui protocols.They place unnecessary burdens on the PCs and laptops. We do not use them, except in a few circumstances (i.e QA).
Logging on to the Domain and Backing Up Documents
Shut down and restart. Log on to the Domain with your username and password. Your default password is ‘password’. (Please see below ‘To Change Your Password on Win98’ for instructions on changing passwords).
If the login script works you will have two drives mapped, visible from My Computer:
U: \\corpservershare\%username% ,where %username% is your Win NT Username, and: P: \\corpservershare\public. The U: drive is where users can back up various documents. For example, with the My Documents folder and the U: drive folder opened at the same time (both visible on the Desktop), you can drag a file from My Documents into the U: drive , thereby creating a copy. This copy is located on the Windows NT Server located in the company Data Center! It is secure and cannot be edited or deleted by others on the network.
Mapping Network Drives
To Graphically map your network drives:
•right click Network Neighborhood on your desktop
•select Map Network Drive
•select drive U:
•input Path:\\corpfservershare\%username% where %username% is your NT Username
•click reconnect at logon
•select OK
•repeat for P: \\corporateshare\public
To Change Your Password on Win98
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Passwords | Other Passwords (Other Passwords alludes to the Windows NT Domain password!)
Remember: your default password is ‘password’ by default upon set up.
Sharing Public Folders
If you have a specific group of users you would like to share files with, please request this from us…
The CorpXX file server is not for MP3s, games, development source code repositories, etc. Well, actually, there are other servers for the latter.
It is to be used as a Backup mechanism for your valuable documents. Space is currently expansive at 10+ GB but not unlimited. Please use accordingly. Thank you!